Fathers in Early Childhood: Understanding past and current engagement practices and renewing our attention on how we include and support fathers
Often in our work with young children we are engaged with mothers. Building and designing intentional supports to include fathers is not typically as developed in our programs. Research has helped the education and early childhood professionals learn more about the benefits to children when their fathers are engaged in parenting Together, as systems of care, we can foster ways in which we include fathers and build opportunities for them to strengthen their connection within our programs and with their children.
For this seminar we will welcome David Pate, PhD, who has done extensive work and research in fatherhood, as well as dismantling practices that have created barriers for fathers. We will also hear from Pat Nakamura and Jeremy Smith, who have extensive experience working with father of young children and will share describe their approaches and successes in engaging fathers.
CEUs will be available in SW, Gateways and Early Intervention
Date: Friday, November 15 - 10:00am - 11:30pm
Cost: $20 for members/$30 for non-members
ILAIMH is a 501(C)(3) non-profit and is an affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.
© ILAIMH 2017